

Asbestos: Asbestos Inspector

Asbestos Inspector - 24 hours (1) background information of asbestos; (2) potential health effects related to asbestos exposure; (3) functions/qualifications and role of inspectors; (4) legal liabilities and defenses; (5) understanding of building systems; (6) public/employee/building occupant relations; (7) pre-inspection planning, and review of previous survey records; (8) inspecting for friable and non-friable ACBM; (9) assessing of the condition of friable ACBM; (10) bulk sampling/documentation of asbestos; (11) air monitoring; (12) employee personal protective equipment; (13) record keeping and writing of the survey report; (14) regulatory review; (15) field trip, to include a building walk-through inspection at a suitable location outside of the classroom; and (16) course review
Class is from 8-4pm

Price: $500.00
Dates: (01) Jan 28-30, (02) Feb 25-27, (03) Mar 25-27, (05) May 6-8, (06) Jun 24-26
Student Name(s):